Data Challenge Co-Creation

In the Data Challenge Co-Creation, participants experiment with real-world situations around working with and managing data.

In the Data Challenge Co-Creation, participants experiment with real-world situations around working with and managing data.

Most data breaches arise from careless handling of personal data and other sensitive information. Many of these data breaches are preventable by educating employees. In the Data Challenge co-creation, participants experiment in about three minutes with seven real-world situations around working with and managing data. This teaches employees how to safely handle personal data and other sensitive information. Together, we are increasing Cyber Awareness.


From the Data Challenge Co-creation, CISOs get limited insights on employee challenges with being able to work securely with data minimization, publishing images, inviting external parties, recognizing personal data, processing agreement and controlling sending (personal) data, among others.

Upon completion of the campaign, you will receive, upon request, a report with the anonymous results of your municipality. This will allow you to be even more responsive to your colleagues’ challenges and data-driven reporting.

CISO Veerle Ultee, Gemeente Dongen
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